It was almost 3 when I got a call from Mommy yesterday. I heard the worry in her voice as she told me, Leih's got fever and he's been in and out of the bathroom since noon. She wanted me to come home asap and have my husband brought to the E.R. immediately. Mommy has always been the "panicky" type, (guess that's where I got that side of me), but then, I couldn't blame her, I too got worried. Leih's never been the type who complains, so I know he must really be very sick.
As soon as I got home, I gave him a sponge bath and decided to bring him to the nearest hospital in our place. When the doctor advised him to stay in the hospital for the night, that's where it all sank on to me... Leih's being confined in the hospital for fear of losing electrolytes and water, it could have been worse if I hadn't brought him in...
I had to go back home to pick up his dinner and some stuff, and of course, I had to feed my two adorable dogs before I headed back to the hospital. I was worried too about Mommy whom I left alone in the house with Zach and Milky... but what choice do I have? It was something I had to do...
I didn't get enough sleep that night. Though we got a private room, the bed was still uncomfortable to sleep in, plus the fact that I kept on checking his temperature from time to time. I felt like a real wife doing the "real work"... It was a first for me..
After 24 hours, Leih demanded to go home despite the doctor's advice of staying in until the next morning.. I couldn't make him stay any longer... Upon getting home, I felt so drained of energy.. It had been only 24 hours and yet, it was enough to zap me off what energy I had left in me, it even managed to build my splitting migraine...
One realization I came to after this: It isn't easy being a wife... but then, it all comes in a package.. I guess, there's always a first time for everything...