Upon waking up this morning, the very first thing I did was pray and thank God for the wonderful year that Leih and I were blessed to share together... Today is our very first wedding anniversary and I couldn't be any happier.. Just thinking how time flies so fast that it seemed only yesterday that we were preparing for the big day, I could still remember the flowers, the ceremony, everything....
I didn't expect it would be easy for me to adjust to married life, after all the things I hear from other married women. True enough that there are a lot of changes once you decide to take the plunge, but for me, it had been a wonderful transition.Every day is something we both look forward to, every day seems like a brand new story, and a year has passed but the love has grown much deeper. I could say I haven't loved anybody as much as I love this man. And if I would be given another chance to do it all, it would still be him I will choose..

Leih has made me very happy...
Leih and I don't seem to have grown up much. When we're together, we're more like kids teasing each other, having fun, laughing at the smallest things... these are the moments I love the most... It's like being in love for the first time all over again... I love doing things for him, having to care for all he needs just as he does mine, praying with him before we go to bed.. and every night, as we both go to slumber, we would find our hands intertwined just before we lose ourselves in our own dreams...... small things that matter so much...

after a wonderful dinner at Rockwell...
In my life, not everything is a fairy tale. But true indeed that we are the ones who make our own fairy tales. And now as I look back at the year that has passed since I married Leih, I definitely conclude that God must love me so much to have given me Leih as one of my biggest blessings in life... I don't think I could ever find a more loving, more kind, and more responsible man than Leihson. And for that, I am more than thankful.
Hoping to spend a lifetime with Leih.. more kisses and hugs every morning before we start our day, more happy moments with our families and friends...
For now, we would just enjoy what seems to be the start of more wonderful years to come..