Maternity leave is officially over... Today is my first day at work after being on leave for more than two months since I had Chingching.
I woke up at 4 in the morning with a somehow heavy heart. I realized it'll be a first for me to leave Ching the whole day. I instantly fell sad. All I could do was stare at my baby's lovely face as she slept soundly. I went back to bed hugging her in my arms. I was silently wishing time would stop.
At 6:00 in the morning, I got up and started to prepare all of her things for the day ~ her bather, her clothes, the feeding bottles, everything... I hurriedly showered and fixed myself then waited for her to wake up so I could feed her and bathe her afterwards. She seemed to know I was leaving today as she looked intently at me when I dressed her up...
Upon arriving at work, I would admit feeling very tired already. All I wished for was enough sleep to last me the whole day, the weariness didn't help either. And just as work started for me, I suddenly missed my baby, I couldn't wait until lunchtime when I can get back home to see her even just for an hour..
Indeed, being a working mother is very hard... Good thing, I have my mom with me to watch after my daughter, at least I know she's in good hands... Besides, I am just a few minutes away from home, maybe it's not that bad after all....