I have been on constant look out for a prospective place where to hold my baby's first birthday since I first decided on her party's theme. Today, I learned about this beautiful place inside the Cavite area which is recently being rented for big events such as weddings and debuts. It has a big pool beside the well-landscaped garden and a castle-like hall complete with airconditioning.
The only downside is, it would be a little far from our place and I doubt if all our friends could drop by considering it's a 30-minute drive from Tanza. Oh well, it's just one choice we have on our list, the first, that is... We still have a few more months to decide on the place. I have another one in mind, an exclusive clubhouse in a posh village nearby which my good friend, Atty. Grace suggested. There is another village with a posh ballroom venue which my friend and business partner Anne, could readily sponsor for me...
Visiting the two clubhouses is next on my agenda. =) Updates will be made as soon as we decide on the place. =)