Leihson and my cousin Jates came to visit our uncle who was in the hospital that day, and since we haven't voted yet, we decided to go home early so we could catch the 5:00 cut-off time. Leih has always been the defensive driver, having experienced how to drive in the States for years, he got disciplined enough to follow the rules on the road.
It was my first time to ever be in a car accident, (and I'm hoping it would be the last). I was seated at the front beside Leihson when this speeding motorcycle encroached the lane towards us from a blind corner... It was terrifying. I could still replay in my mind how it all took place. Leih saw the oncoming motorcycle and so he tried his best to swerve to the rightmost side of our lane, doing his best to avoid the speeding vehicle.
My first thought after hearing the collision was that the man in the motorcycle could have died on the spot, seeing his bike fly like paper...
Good thing, it turned out that he was able to jump from the bike and only got bruised. But what flared me up was after we stopped to check what was damaged. The Revo was a mess. And the driver and his other companions even had the audacity to blame us for the acc
To make the story short, we called the police and from there, the biker admitted his fault and made arrangements on how they'd be dealing with the damages incurred.
We arrived home and just in time, we were able to vote... But the drama of it all still overtook me.. I will never forget this experience, and how my ever-cool husband managed to make things okay at the end of the day....
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