I think I found the nicest give-away for C

hing's birthday... My W@W sister Rhea Diputado of Sweet Little Soles who did my baby's baptismal paper shoe will do her birthday giveaways... Gifted with extra ordinary skill in art, she ingeniously thought of making Rapunzel Towers as centerpieces for a certain birthday she attended. I loved the idea and so, I ordered a few pieces of Tangled Towers from her, this time, with some specifications and additional flowers to make the tower more pretty to look at..
And just today, the tower give-aways arrived via LBC. I was so thrilled to see the beautifully crafted Towers which took Rhea almost a month to finish... She was very keen on details and made sure every Tower was perfectly adorned with flowers of different colors...
I thought of putting them in little lace bags for an added design... 'Hoping the guests would love this!
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