It's very rare for us to chance on a Sunday day-off for Leih.... Jobs that involve table games have a rotating schedule that can be such a pain in the @#s sometimes...
So today, we decided to pig out for a while just so I can have my favorite cake. We drove off to Alabang and headed to Contis at West Gate. I was literally famished when we got there so imagine my thrill when I got hold of the menu...
I wouldn't post everything I ordered for today (as my husband failed to take clear shots of the other items on the table).
First on my list was the Mango Royale Salad... I thought, it was a great way to start our meal by getting something light and healthy. The mango was sweet, it complemented the fresh lettuce and the delicious dressing (along with the other veggies in it)... I was able to finish the "solo" serving in a few minutes.. Ahhhhh..
crisp and fresh... that's how I like it!!! | | | | | | | | | | | |
My second favorite was the pasta with marinara sauce and cream cheese- filled meatballs... I am a self-confessed cheese addict so it is expected that I'd be loving this.. But hey, you can't go wrong with anything stuffed with cream cheese, right?.... Every bite was gooey, creamy and delicious... You gotta try this!!!! Arrrggggh!!!!!!!!
cheese, cheese and more cheese!!!!!!!!!! |
And of course, who in their right minds would forget about the cakes??? This was my most favorite part!!! The Dulce cheesecake!!! Oh, I wouldn't mind traveling an hour and be stuck in traffic for 2 more hours if it was this I'd be going for... This is heaven on a plate, baked by the gods specially for me (har har har).from the word itself Dulce, oh man, I am at a loss for words...
silky and creamy, DELICIOUSLY SINFUL... |
Last but not the least is their very own version of fresh strawberry yoghurt shake, you gotta have something refreshing in the end.. So here .... See the small berry seeds? You can't get any fresher than this..
How I wish every Sunday was Leih's Day-Off.. Then probably, I wouldn't need to salivate like this and wait until the next Sunday off is next...
I love pigging out... (no pun intended) (^_^)
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