the free birthday cake from Vikings |
Days before Leihson's birthday, our little girl has been singing the birthday song non-stop, courtesy of my mom. She was such a joy to listen to even if we hardly understand what she's saying. She couldn't quite grasp the lyrics yet but you'll hear "Daddy" at the end of her song, and add a silly smirk after she finishes it.
Leih thought it was so sweet of his 2 -year old to actually sing to him and so, he agreed to give Ching a big surprise. We've been eyeing on this thing months ago and now that the store is on sale, we thought of finally getting it .
Ching with my parents on our way to dinner... |

Since it was the lenten season, we didn't plan much on how to spend his birthday, save for a special dinner reservation at Vikings. It wasn't crowded that night and the ambiance was so relaxed. We all had a great dinner, even Ching who loved the grilled fish and orange-peach jelly...As usual, I enjoyed 2 glasses full of frozen choco-shake, some maki, grilled seafood and a few more that I can barely remember...
After dinner, we went straight to the mall to get Ching her surprise... Seemed to me that it was Ching who was celebrating the day and not Leih.. But can you blame the dad for giving in? I know how rewarding it must feel to hear your child sing to you, kiss you and give you the sweetest hugs on your special day...
Ching with the birthday dad... |
always ready to give a smile... |
that's where she got her looks from... (my dad) |
About the surprise, you'd have to read my next post... For now, let me share with you the beautiful pictures we took that night...
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